To sum up my COMM to Italy experience in one short blog post would be impossible. Even more so, to be able to portray in words what this trip has taught me- well, that I just cannot do. So, I will write this as a letter to the next potential student who is contemplating coming on this trip:
Dear Student,
In my most feverish effort to convince you, no matter your hesitation about this trip- it is well beyond worth the jump. You have no idea about the beauty, enlightenment, joy, and self-awareness that you will stumble into while exploring countless historic landmarks and adored traditions that have stood the test of time. Before this trip, I thought I was in-tune with this world and all it has to offer. In the small town of College Station, I was just ready and waiting for what was around the corners of George Bush and University. However, no matter how many beautiful sunsets I saw from the nose bleeds at Kyle Field, nothing quite compares to those on top of the hill of Castiglion, admiring the Tuscan landscape in full beauty. Now, despite our best efforts, you do actually have to partake in school. With that being said- the learning is in the experience. You will learn more fascinating and intriguing facts by simply being in Italy then you will in any classroom. However, the best course you will probably ever take is Intercultural Communication (hopefully with Tarvin). This course teaches you how to communicate with any individual you may come into contact, learning to consider differences and engage in a way that encourages growth rather than avoidance due to fear of the uncomfortable. In this world, I think we can confidently conclude that we need more skills of acceptance rather than rejection. My favorite thing this course taught us was this: you do not know who you are until you know who you are not. And trust me, you learn about a part of you that I bet you have no idea exists yet. So, in supplying you with a small taste that I hope entices you to learn more, I will end in this: if you decide to embark on this incredible opportunity, here are a few things I suggest:
1. Touch everything- its original
2. Let yourself adore the history that stands in real-time
3. Drink all the wine- its very good
And lastly, remember the importance of the NOW. Do not get caught up so much in your future life that you forget to live. This trip will teach so much about who you want to be if you will let it. The learning here is in the experiences you have and not so much in the assignments you turn in. I highly encourage that you take advantage of this opportunity to keep a small part of Castig in your heart.
So it goes: there is so much more to learn than what is taught between the four corners of Texas A&M University. Your future will be waiting for you, arms stretched out wide when you return, so take this time in your life to gain a little perspective on how small your world actually is. I promise, there is not a soul on earth who could ever regret this trip.
Ci vediamo presto, my friend.
Sincerely, Amanda
Lovely my sweet girl- boring ol Texas can’t wait to see you! 💋